Integrated Reporting Executive Program

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Coming soon
To be confirmed
Synchronous virtual meetings
Platform: Zoom
Julián Costábile
Dictado por Julián Costábile
María Angélica Farfán
Dictado por María Angélica Farfán


The context of Corporate Reporting and the role of the Integrated Report

  • Integrated Reporting in the new IFRS context
  • Financial reporting and sustainability reporting.
  • ESG factors and the different reporting frameworks and standards.
  • How IR arises. The Integrated Reporting Guidelines (IR Framework).

Contents of the Integrated Report

  • Integrated thinking.
  • Value creation. How to explain the business model.
  • The 6 capitals and how they are related.
  • Examples of good practices.

Key elements of an Integrated Report

  • Risks and opportunities.
  • Strategies and performance. More examples.
  • Connectivity of information and other key data characteristics.
  • The view of investors and report issuers.

Let’s get to work!

  • Where do I start to report or improve my integrated reporting.
  • The role of different areas and the role of technology.
  • The requirements of the securities markets.
  • Conclusions: the current state and future of IR in Latam.

Program Director

Julián Costábile

Sustainability Partner at SMS Latin America. Public Accountant and Bachelor’s in business administration (UCA), specialized in the social and environmental impact of business. He has extensive experience in sustainable finance, impact investment and financial inclusion, having led initiatives in this area as well as studies and research on the subject.


This program is oriented to those who play roles within the area of sustainability in organizations. The course covers the context of corporate reporting and the role of Integrated Reporting; Contents and key elements of the report and guidelines to get started in the preparation of the report.


The modality is 100% remote with 4 synchronous meetings through the Zoom platform, with a duration of 3 hours each. The live meetings are conducted by leading specialists in each topic and as a complement, the program will have support material that will be available on the virtual campus of the SMS Business School.


Program with IFRS official certification



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Excellent courses!
Reat training, very complete. The topics were clearly presented, with theory and accompanying examples.
Adrian Piñeyrua
Senior Tax Analyst at Michael Page
Good results
I learned a lot with these courses. I’d wholeheartedly recommend the Education School to those who want to improve their business and financial skills.
Ezequiel Corigliano
COO at Revolt
Very satisfied
Excellent training, not only in terms of content but also the clarity of the person who carried it out to answer doubts, ask questions and put the information into practice.
Emanuel Faravelli
HC leader at AGCO Corporation

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